The best Solar Home Lighting System harnesses the energy of the sun for lighting up the home and for powering your appliances too. With the advantages that fit in your budget as well as suits your environment, the best Solar Home Lighting System is not only an economical solution but an efficient and a reliable one also. Supplying illumination that is powered from the renewable energy of the sun, the solar cells incorporated in the system transforms the energy of the sun to the electricity. This electricity is preserved in the battery and is used to light up the space whenever required. The best home lighting is quite compact, easily mountable and portable. These systems are manufactured for the domestic applications. The components of this system include the solar cells, solar battery, charge controller, lamps and the fans.

Access to the electricity has been a major concern in India with around 43 percent of rural populations living Below Poverty Line still deprived of electricity either due to non availability of reliable Grid connection or are unable to pay the costly electricity dues.

SHS's come as a major relief to the people living Below Poverty Line as an affordable alternative to Grid connectivity as it is economically affordable and fits to their daily requirements of electricity. SHS's usually includes few LED bulbs which are sufficient to illuminate the kitchen and living area which helps the women in their cooking activities and also helps children to study properly. The SHS's also includes few fans and a mobile charging point which is very important to the inmates.

Solar Home Lighting Systems are mostly feasible in rural, remote areas and places that are still un electrified and those areas where people face problems of low voltage and intermittent power outages.

Nowadays due to rapid urbanization and creation of new infrastructural facilities large number of workforce has to be stationed at such infrastructure sites for construction purposes. It is usually very difficult to provide electric connections to such worker colonies for shorter periods. Thus Solar Home lighting Systems SHS's comes as a great solution for providing clean and less costly alternative of lighting at such sites.

The Infrastructure Development Companies support the distribution of SHSs in the remote areas where electrification through gird expansion is challenging and costly. This type of policy can also be implemented in other parts of the developing world to enable poor people to have easy SHS access. An SHS usually operates at a rated voltage of direct current (DC) to provide power for low power DC appliances such as lights, radios, and small TVs for about three to five hours a day. The PV module is usually placed on the rooftop of a house at an angle to collect maximum sunlight. The battery of the SHS should typically have a storage capacity of 3 days in the event of clouds.

What are the Benefits of this System?


Since the sun gives energy without any charge, one can enjoy thirty percent power savings on the electricity bills as well as a long backup lighting system at no running cost. Non-Polluting:- Powered by the renewable energy of the sun, this system is a clean source of illumination.


Powered by the renewable energy of the sun, this system is a clean source of illumination.

No Maintenance:-

Solar home lighting system includes some moveable parts that reduce the danger of breakage. After it is installed, the system lasts for a long span of time and needs negligible attention.

Easy Mobility:-

Such SHS's can be easily removed from one location and installed at another location.